CA Ankit Oberoi
The 2nd level of the very famous Chartered Accountancy examination series is the CA Intermediate examination. As the level progresses from CA Foundation to Intermediate, the challenges also get higher. So, students must continue with CA Intermediate coaching to hold the rank. In this piece, you will know about the CA Intermediate examination in brief.
CA Intermediate Course Overview
This course has two parts, Group 1 and 2 where there are different subjects in each group. Students can appear in both groups or any one of them in every attempt. The subjects each group consists of are as follows:
Group 1:
Group 2:
In addition, in the new syllabus, there are a few new chapters which are:
The subjects are quite challenging and there are a lot of practical elements you need to understand very clearly. So, it is better to opt for CA Inter coaching classes to clear your concept and pass the exam easily.
CA Intermediate Eligibility
Students can be eligible for the CA Intermediate examination in the following ways:
Registration Process for CA Intermediate Examination
You can follow the online process to register easily for the CA intermediate examination. The process is as follows:
Step 1: Go to the Self-Service Site of ICAI
Step 2: Choose CA Foundation or Direct Entry Route to register for CA Intermediate
Step 3: Upload your CV
Step 4: Pay the fees
You will be notified about the successful registration confirmation within 7 days.
Choose the Best Coaching for CA Intermediate
However, at this time you should also register yourself in a reputed coaching for CA Intermediate as you will need the guidance from the very beginning.
These coaching centres will help you with personalized guidance, special lectures, a competitive environment and many more facilities. Apart from this, you will also need some tips to be successful in the CA examination such as:
Hope you have got a comprehensive understanding of the CA Intermediate examination and other related facts. However, if you want to get the best tuition for this examination, you can come to IGP Institute and get different benefits that can help you to gain good marks.